IMEIK R&D Center with The Sense of High-Tech and Future

IMEIK, leading innovative company of biomedical soft tissue materials in China, chose VIRTUARCH to realize the Interior Decoration for their new R&D Center in Changping, Beijing. 

The reception connecting high-tech and nature 

VIRTUARCH developed a unique cutting-edge concept based on a gradual change of main color (starting from the red in basement arriving to the corporative blue at 6th and last floor) and a pattern of flower blossoms projected over lighting perforated ceilings and decorated walls, with the usage of modern half-tone images and colorful LVT office floors.

Functional labs for innovative research

The entrance at 1st floor is an elliptical room provided with a green logo wall and overlooked by an evocative and fluid parametric lamella ceiling, giving access to a Lab area dedicated to bioprocessing and microbial fermenters research, and an efficient logistics area to receive, store and deliver goods.

A relaxing pantry building the communicative center of the open space offices 

The informal meeting area where employees can be inspired to be more energetic

Emphasis was given to the 2nd floor, which is the main office space of this R&D center, designed for 110 employees deployed on 2 wings according to a sort of double butterfly arrangement, with specific functions in the middle of each wing (pantry and informal meeting spot) while open offices spread along the glazed northern and southern facades. In the center of the layout is concentrated the meeting rooms area, with a boardroom for 20-30pp. 

3rd, 4th and 5th floor are totally dedicated to the R&D laboratories. VIRTUARCH was developing the lab workplaces together with a specialized laboratory company.

Open office area with its phone booth represent perfectly IMEIK’s image

The showroom focusing on customers’ experiences 

Special mention to the 6th floor where IMEIK located it’s customer center wit showroom: a wide-open space for customers, receptions, and visual projections, with a black open ceiling provided with dynamic linear lights and downlights deployed according to a “dotted pattern”. This area is provided with a curved, welcoming atrium with history wall and company description and on the southeast corner with a flexible training room for 100 people.

Conferencing section with welcoming screen

To stay ahead in today’s rapidly developing technology-driven world, having the right facilities for R&D is key. VIRTUARCH’s approach to put the users of the facilities in the center is resulting in perfect work environments for the research team of IMEIK.

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